Monday, July 26, 2010

How do i get rid of my blackheads in my nose? its really rough.?

bioreHow do i get rid of my blackheads in my nose? its really rough.?
I have lots of blackheads on my nose. What can I do to get rid of them?

A: Blackheads are also known as open comedones. (Closed comedones are called whiteheads). Blackheads occur when the sebaceous gland ducts in the skin get plugged up with cellular debris and sebum (oil). The trick is to gently remove these plugs (which means no hard squeezing.) This can be done by a dermatologist using a small instrument called a comedone extractor. This treatment usually requires multiple visits and is done over a period of time. An alternative at home is to use a medication known as a “keratinolytic”. These topical medications chemically remove the superficial layers of the skin and soften the dark plugs so that they are gradually ';dissolved';. One of the most commonly used products is retinoic acid gel or cream. These come in different strengths and are available by prescription. They can have some side effects such as increased redness and peeling of the skin, so they must be used carefully according to directions. They do not work overnight so you must be committed and patient. It may take four to six weeks before you see significant improvement. However they are generally very safe and can then be used as maintenance to prevent recurrence of the lesions.…

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