Saturday, July 24, 2010

How do you get rid of blackheads? Facewash... other?


I have normal skin type btw.

%26lt;3How do you get rid of blackheads? Facewash... other?
Blackheads are a bit*h!!!!!!!!!

Try a good scrub, st. Ives is great!

Get a facial, they will squeeze every singal blackhead out of your face....promise!How do you get rid of blackheads? Facewash... other?
There was this girl on here one time that said to use your regular acne or blackhead face wash and up to three times a week, use a soft bristled toothbrush and use it in a circling motion on your problem spots (with the cleanser on your face) and it would work. I generally only get them on my nose, but her suggestion has worked well for me! It could for you too, plus it's cheap and easy.
Rub oatmeal paste on face,leave it to dry for 15 minutes and scrub well before washing off with cold water. Check out http://usefulinfo-blackheads.blogspot.co鈥?/a> for more useful tips to control blackheads.

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