Saturday, July 24, 2010

How to get rid of blackheads?

ok so i tried the nuterogena black head and acne scurb and right after it worked but when i looked again the balckheads were back is there another way to get rid of black heads proferably homemade romover like something i could use thats just around my houseHow to get rid of blackheads?
Try Biore pore strips. Just wash your face and apply strip to still damp skin in the problem area. You press it down to custom fit. Then wait till it dries. Pull it off and the blackheads are instantly lifted out with the strip. There are both nose and face strips.How to get rid of blackheads?
try going for a professional facial. Someone once said to use ';Witchhazel';.
there's this sstuff called ';byebye blemish'; that I get at Western Drug (i'm in montana, but check at walgreens or cvs or whatever your equivilent is). It's basically sulfer and rubbing alcohol in a special mixture, don't try it at home! It's like 10 bucks a bottle, but it works super well. smear it on real thick at night. but be careful it tarnishes metal.

OR to pop the little suckers, use a ballpoint clicky pen, pull the pen in, and center the hole around the blackhead and push firmly. the core of the blackhead slides out of your skin and into the tip of the pen. click the pen to get it out. works every time. jusst be gentle. hope this helps!
what about peroxide it lifts up the dirt but can also be a bit drying if used a lot so follow-up with face moisturizure. hope this helps! good luck.
Toothpaste =)
Use the Panasonic Suction Pore Cleanser while in the shower.
i use tweezers sometimes, not very strongly..

i have a blackhead remover bought from the body shop though, its bout a fiver (in euros)

that and clean and clear, or simple..
wash your face with alchol day %26amp; night..
Cleanse your face with unboiled milk, gently rub a coarse cloth dipped in milk to remove the blackheads. Steam your face with herbs like lavender, lemon peel and mint leaves added to the water and let the skin soak up its goodness. Check out for more useful tips to control blackheads.
just leave them alone, they will go away on it's own. whatever you do, just don't pick @ them, they'll just get worse. if not done professionally, you'll be left with scarring and redness. see a dermatologist and he or she can extract any blackheads, whiteheads, or zits. your body will naturally drain everything out.
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