Monday, July 26, 2010

What is a blackhead and what is a whitehead?

(Zits). I'd like to know what each one is, which one you think is worse and any possible home remedies to get rid of blackheads and whiteheads.What is a blackhead and what is a whitehead?
a black head is a type of zit when all the dirt an grime seep into your pores. - to fix it, use an exfoliator 4-5 times a week to get out all the gunk in there. then use a cleanser to completely wipe it all out, then use a toner or a pore minimizing gel /strip to close the pore.

a white head is the same thing except the gunk has risen and become infeted. DONT squeeze it. it takes longer to heal and then you'll have a red mark. to treat it, cleanse and then put a gel on it to minimize it. in the day time, cover it up and it'll be gone in no time!

%26lt;3 XOXXOWhat is a blackhead and what is a whitehead?
blackheads- these nasty little boogers look similar to a black speck on your nose, these are easy to cover up and when you mash them a white/yellow worm like matter comes up with it be careful because mashing them can cause a pimple to come up so if you do mash them be sure to imediatly wash your face

whiteheads- in my oppion these are worse than black heads because these are pimples that have the white head on them instead of being just a red bump the best things for these are to get a hydrogen peroxide soaked cotton ball and just set it on your bump untill the swelling decreases
blackheads(comedones) is a mass of hardened sebum in a hair follicle. a whitehead(milia) is a mass caused by retention of sebum. cleanse your face according to your skin type
they are basicly the same thing but one shows up white in the light while the other one is darker....if u are tempted to pick at ur face these ar emuch better to pick than zits and pimples....what ever you do don't pick at zits or pimples...if u still need more info go to your dermatoligist and ask her....she/ he even have there own techniques of getting the nasty stuff out of black or white heads
both around the crease of your nose. but one is black and one is white. i ';scrap'; them off in the shower, and they generally go away. but using the proactive face mask all over my nose works second best.
I take a knife to my blackheads, smarts a bit but I cut them off. Two thumbs to pop a white head.

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