yes you canCan you get rid of blackheads that have been there for years??
Sure you can. Either have a doctor do it or do it yourself. But if you dont get all the stuff out of it , it will get infected, I use wet hot cotten balls to help raise the dirt out of them. I dont have them any more thank godCan you get rid of blackheads that have been there for years??
Biore makes these strip things that you put on for like 15 minutes, take it off and your pores feel all clean! I have used them and I like them.
You can buy them at Wal*Mart.
blackhead clearing scrubs...they have these little beads in them to get in your pores
Only by a dermatologist. It is safer that way, and he may apply some treatment or laser to close the pore. Otherwise it might keep clogging.
Dermabrasion or a chemical peal are probably the only way ways.
Both are expensive and painful and require substantial recovery time for the skin to regrow and regain nomal color and sensitivity.
Have you heard of pore-refining masque, otherwise consult a dermatologist.
i find regular facial helps to ward impurities. And the worst that I try hard not to do, sleep with make-up on!
Ive been through b 4, but i havent had dem 4 years! All u hav 2 do is squeeze it like a pimple. If that doesnt work, then u should put a lil toothpaste on it and then keep it there for a while. Then try to squeeze it again. If that doesnt work I dont kno wat will.
omg people just pop them. i used to have a lot on my nose but i popped them and theyre totally gone, no blackheads. whats with this uncommon knowledge? people pop regular pimples all the time. same dif.
check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:--/Acne-pimple cure/Acne masks/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/
See a dermatologist... though sometimes facials help. DO NOT USE THOSE PORE STRIPS!!! They are painful, and can leave scars. My skin is really sensitive, so I should have known better... best wishes...
Eeeeeeep!! I don't know. I would see a dermatologist.
Go have a facial and they will remove all the blackhead using small tweezors and you can start maintaining your healthy skin form the beginning.
Yes you can remove blackheads and repair the epidermal layer to achieve a normal looking skin. If you are not able to achieve this on your own with intensive reading and study of epidermal health issues then you will need to seek the help of a qualified dermatologist.
try going to a skin specialist and try out the wonderful products by Dr Haushcka! they r just wonderful, i have been to a skin specilaist who sucked out the blackheads with some vaccum kind instrument,,,your skin will be red for a few hours but then the benefits are long term
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