how can i remove blackheads that's on the side of my nose?HOw can i remove blackheads?
Removing Blackheads can be Accomplished Using a Blackhead Gun or Similar Homemade Contrivance
Blackheads are unsightly indented lesions on the face caused by bacteria and white blood cells trapped in a pore or follicle below the facial surface. Blackheads will almost always clear up on their own, but for those who need to remove them as quickly as possible, there a number of ways to assist in getting rid of these blemishes. How to remove blackheads? Most techniques, both commercial as well as home remedies, involve removing the pus from the pore or follicle.
One innovative way of removing blackheads is to use the inner cylinder of an ink pen. This tube is just the right size for surrounding most blackheads. Place the tube over the blackhead and apply a gentle twisting pressure to remove the contents of the blackhead. While this remedy is effective, it is not very sanitary and involves the mess that may accompany dismantling an ink pen.
The best way to mechanically remove blackheads is to purchase a commercial blackhead gun. Its method of operation is identical to the ink pen methods, but the materials of the gun are gentler on the skin, and the dimensions of the device are designed for the treatment of blackheads, not for the holding of ink.
If you use one of these mechanical black head removal methods, be sure to quickly clean the skin surrounding the erstwhile blackhead thoroughly with soap and water, and then apply cold pressure to close up the hole that once contained the blackhead.
In addition to mechanical blackhead removal methods, it is also possible to buy over the counter medications and washes that will help reduce the occurrence of blackheads by removing excess oil, dirt, and bacterial agents. It can be helpful to apply steam to the face for a few minutes before using these over the counter treatments. This will open up the pores and enable the medication or cleansing agent to penetrate deep into the skin.-HOw can i remove blackheads?
Far as I know, the only way is to squeeze them out. But there are two ways of squeezing: one, by pinching with the fingernails, is said to be more harmful to the skin than the other, with a ring-shaped device especially made to remove blackheads.
This device usually comes on two sizes, small and tiny. You choose the appropriate size according to the size of the blackhead, center it so that the open hole is over the blackhead, and press down. The pressure from the ring usually pushes the blackhead out. If the blackhead is extremely hardened and the skin very tight around the top, then it may be very hard to remove. If you press TOO hard you can damage the skin -- though, it will heal.
To soften the blackheads before you remove them -- which will be much easier on the skin because they will come out with less pressure -- wash the face with very warm water, then hold a small towel soaked in hot water over the skin for a few minutes. After having taken a hot bath during which you submerged the skin in the hot water might be the best time to squeeze blackheads, especially tough ones.
Very large blackheads that do not squeeze out may be best taken to a dermatologist for professional removal -- this is not absolutely necessary because if you squeeze hard enough actually ANY blackhead will come out. But you may damage the skin, and then it may get infected, and if so it may leave a scar.
Catch blackheads while they are small rather than let them get big. If you ignore blackheads they may get infected and turn into pimples. Keep the face clean by washing every day with warm soap and water, or if you have sensitive skin, then you can use special skin cleanser the pharmacist can recommend. Extremely oily skin can be washed twice or even three times a day.
If you have blackheads, really, invest in one of those ring-shaped removal tools -- a pharmacy will have them, or the drug section of a variety store.
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