Monday, August 23, 2010

Getting rid of blackheads?

i need somthing that you know works well and gets rid of blackheads!!Getting rid of blackheads?
My friend says tea tree oil work well. I've also heard that allowing warm/hot steam to go up on your face open's up pores. Then you can wash with an acne cleanser. Then allow about 15 or 20 minutes for pores to close before adding moisturizer.Getting rid of blackheads?
Do not squeeze.

Wet a face washer with hot water and hold it over your infected areas for a minute at least once a day.

Ask your pharmacist about a lotion to help and then use it. Pharmacists also have blackhead strips which are like pieces of paper that you wet and stick over your nose or other affected areas. You allow them to dry and gently peel them off. They simply remove the blackheads stuck onto them very easily. You will soon have lovely skin within the week.
Biore strips, my son swears by them!鈥?/a>

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