Make sure you use an oil-free foundation, if you wear make-up. Wash your face at least twice a day with a hot, sudsy (use Ivory Soap) wash cloth, following with a cold wash cloth (water only) to rinse and close your pores.
Stay away from junk food, drink lots of water, and get lots of rest.
Good luck!What is the best things to use to keep your face clean from blackheads and whiteheads. i have normal skin type
Get facials!! thats the best way so your esthetician or dermatologyst can extract them no cleansers will never remove blackheads or whiteheads. you cant really prevent them either it just happens but do wash your face at least once a day but no more than twice you dont want to over dry it and dont scrub hard or use sand like scrubs you will damage your skin!! good luckWhat is the best things to use to keep your face clean from blackheads and whiteheads. i have normal skin type
Use good basic skin care products
Have a good Face wash, Masque,Toner,and moisturizer
I use arbonnes Intelligence Line
and i cant complain
Neutrogena face cleansers are great.
Use a gentle exfoliating scrub every night.
Both my children have problems with pimples and we have
purchased all the products you can think of. Finally my oldest
son's girlfriend told him to buy Clean and Clear oil free
deep action cream cleanser. They both have went nuts over
it. I buy 2 bottles a week for each they wash twice daily with it
and when they take a shower they use it on their chest and arms.
This is by far the best and least expensive product we have found on the market unless you want to go to a dermatologist which can lead into some serious money.
differin (gel)
acne treatments
Just wash your face constinally, like twice a day, do it roughly and use a good disenfectany soap. I think Caress is the best. Oh and use good creams and if that doesnt work get yourself a treatment like proactiv
steam your face and use facial scrub 2-3 times a week.
Proactiv works great!
Try L'Oreal Pure Zone Continuous Action Pore Unclogging Scrub Cleanser. Use it when you wake up and before bed. It works great.
Have a facial treatment at least once a month, with a professional then you will see the difference of your skin. Those blackheads and white head will soon be cleared.
you should use any of clinques facial wash treatments.
black %26amp; decker 1/2 hp angle grinder 20-30 grit diamond wet paper, cleans and all gone fast, use 000 steel wool for touch ups work
facial scrub, witchhazel for blackheads and be gentle where the the white heads are and cream those places...not where the black heads are. keep your hands away from face. wash your hands a lot.
st. Ives apricot scrub for acne and blackheads. works great u can feel and see the difference.
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